"By not addressing the global water crises, none of the UN Sustainable Development Goals will be achievable. Clean Water & Sanitation [SDG 6] is interconnected to all SDGs"
The water crisis is a tragedy of epic proportions. A large part of humanity - more than 2 billion people - do not have access to safe drinking water. An equal number of people do not have access to safe sanitation as well.

This post is the final part (8) of a series of 8 posts, detailing thoughts and recommendations provided by TIGRIS co-founder, Saud Siddique, on the current global water crisis and how it can be effectively addressed.
8. Concluding remarks
A purpose-driven PPP plan for water and sanitation requires a vision fuelled by rocket-engine petrol - not simply diesel - where innovative thinking can provide the push and foundational support to realize the promise of SDG 6. SMEs play a critical role because they have the know-how and, in the aggregate, the greatest market reach. Innovative financing structures and strategies are required to attract pools of capital. Investors are looking for viable sustainable financing opportunities. If financial instruments are structured properly, and used alongside appropriate strategies, they can be a game-changer in terms of securing the $2 trillion funding gap for SDG 6 – it is well within reach.
The combined coordinated efforts of the multi-lateral development institutions, as well governments, at the strategic level are essential.
Solving this problem will require much greater coordination among international development agencies than in the past, given the inter-disciplinary nature of the issues (socioeconomic, technical, financial, and political) involved.
As a result, there is a much greater need for the pooling of resources (financial and human), than has been done in the past. In effect, there is a need to develop a true combined approach to develop concepts and organizational structures, strategy, and execution plan.
Moreover, there is a leadership gap that needs to be urgently rectified.